Monday, December 31, 2007
Running the Good Race
Last day of the year! Hard to believe 2007 is gone. It was a blessed year for us.
I went running today: 6 miles. My toe felt excellent all the way! The new shoes are perfect too. I am ready to try and run 10 miles this weekend and then it is downhill all the way to race day:
January 13, 2008.
I am sooo ready for this race to be over.....
The First Epistle of John: Lesson Four
- John 14:6-
- Col. 3:4
- 1 John 4:9
- Ps 113-
- Acts 3:11-16
- Acts 2:22-38
- Ps 118:22
- Jesus was the life God for His divine purposes. We are saved by no other name! Through Him we have LIFE.
- John 3:14-16
- John 6: 47-
- Luke 4:31-34-
- Luke 4:40-41
- Hebrews 11:6
- James 2:9
- Eternal life lies in Christ, not the scriptures. We do not worship the Bible, but the One whom the Bible reveals! Do not worship creation, but the One whom creation reveals!
- Acts 8:26-40
- 2 Cor 4:3-4
- 2 Cor 3:14-17
He is the giver of eternal life.
- John 16:28
- 1 Tim 1:16
- Ps 9:10-
- Ps 91:14-16
- Eph 1:11-12
- Luke 18:18-
- You may be thinking about that the person you know who is not a believer could never come to a knowledge of Jesus as their Savior...they are too far gone or too hard headed to ever trust and believe. But remember the God whom you serve. He is the same God who parted the Red Sea. He rose Lazarus from the dead 4 days after he died. He rose Jesus from the dead and He lives today.
- Life Application
- John 10:27-
- Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He knows you and all your needs even before You know them. He has made a place for you in His kingdom from the beginning of time. He is yours and you are His. As we continue further into 1 John, you will read more about how you can know that you are His and He is yours. There is great rest and assurance in 1 John. It will become your "go-to" book for those times when you may have doubts.
- You will find great comfort in the words John wrote to his fellow believers who may have been doubting the Gospel after hearing the docetic and gnostic teachings.
- But 1 John was written that we may KNOW that we have eternal life! Praise God now for that gift.
- John 3:36
- Some non-believers see God as an egotistical demagogue who desires us to fall down and worship Him only to please Himself.
- Just like the does not need us in order to shine. It is us who need the sun shine in order to live! God knows that the greatest thing for us is to know and worship Him....that is why He provided a way for us to know Him and worship Him.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
The First Epistle of John: Lesson Three
Friday, December 28, 2007
Running the Good Race
Was able to run just under six miles today. My toe felt better. Hardly any pain at all during the run. It hurt a little more after I stopped running, but now it is fine.
Bought new shoes!! They felt great during the run. Didn't bother my toe at all.
Am so grateful to be running again. I missed it so. The race is Jan 13th....right around the corner. I want to do one more long run before the race, but we'll see what happens....
The First Epistle of John: Lesson Two
- John's calling
- Jesus called John...John did not seek Jesus
Luke 5:1-11
- Witnessed miracles along with Simon
- They forsook all and followed Him
Matt 4:20
Matt 19:27
Mark 3:13-18
Luke 9:1-3
- Most mentioned disciples: Peter, James, & John
So, we read here that Jesus chose these men....He performed miracles before them, and then He gave them the power to preach the kingdom of God and to heal. John was a credible witness to the acts of Jesus.
Acts 4:1-4
- "...many who heard their words, believed."
- Christ gave power to their words
Please read:
John 1:1-4
John 1:14
1 John 1:1
"...that which we have seen with our eyes.."
John beheld the glory of the Word becoming flesh and dwelling among them. He also saw that glory being beaten, tortured, ridiculed, and finally...killed.
John 19: 25-30
Imagine you are John. You were chosen by Jesus to do and witness great things. You saw with your own eyes the dead rising again! You sat under Jesus' teachings. Imagine that!! You ate with Him and talked to Him.
Then, you saw Him bleeding and hanging on a cross...the very glory of God hanging like a criminal just as He said. Suddenly, you watch Him die.
John 20: 1-23
Bu then, with those same eyes, you see the empty tomb, the linens gently placed, and then you see the risen Christ standing before you just as He said He would.
Imagine that!
John 1:1
"That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life.."
Yes, John was the credible witness chosen by Jesus to write these words that we may know and have fellowship with Christ Jesus.....just as he did.
Praise be to God.
Life Application
So, how do we take all this and apply it to our lives? Well, are you a credible witness of Christ just as John was? Do you know Jesus intimately enough to tell others about Him and His words?
Please read:
1Tim 1:16-17
Is Jesus using you to show to others how to get through pain and suffering so that they may know how to suffer in Christ Jesus?
A teacher at Nathan's school was recently hired to take over for another teacher who left. She has no experience at all in teaching, but she came at a time when I was there teaching full time for 6 weeks. I came alongside her and helped her with lesson plans and classroom management while another experienced teacher helped her with administrative tasks. Together, all three of us grew close and began to know each other intimately. So intimately, that this teacher shared with us that she was having marriage problems and financial troubles.
As a result, I was able to share with her how Jesus brought me and Scott through similar troubles and how faithful Christ was to us throughout all the hard times. Jesus used our pain and suffering "as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him". She was very encouraged by my tansparency. Especially when I told her that only 4 short years ago I was cleaning toilets as a janitor at our church and now I have a Masters degree in education and am a teacher. She was amazed at what Jesus did with my life.....and what He can do with hers.
1 John 1:4
The purpose for the First Epistle of John is clear: that we all may have the full and complete joy that comes with having fellowship in Christ Jesus.
Know Him personally. Know Him intimately. Then, tell others about what you have seen, heard, and witnessed Him doing in your life.
Next time we will look deeper into the "Word of life" .
Until then.....
"The gospel is a message of good news that something extraordinary has happened. At the heart of that message is that Jesus, God the Son incarnate, has atoned for the sins of all His people, turning away the righteous wrath of God. The gospel is a cross-shaped message. Sadly, in our day, this message is being re-shaped into other forms, and the results are not happy."
-Dr. R. Scott Clark, Associate Pastor, Westminster Seminary California (cited from the book, The Truth About the Cross, R.C. Sproul, 2007)
Monday, December 24, 2007
The First Epistle of John
- First John was written by the beloved apostle, John. It was written while he was exiled on the island of Patmos during the time of Ignatius and Polycarp (110 A.D.).
- First John is believed to have been written after the book of John because of how clearly John criticizes false teachings and antichrists. It seems to have been written at a time when identifying yourself as a Christian was well-established. John seems to be writing a a certain group of people.
- The "letter" does not have the usual greeting or salutation as in other letters in the New Testament, but it is considered a letter due to how it was written.
- First John was written as a warning to Christians on how to spot antichrists from among them and about how to know when someone is a true Christian or not....even themselves. So you can see how contemporary and relevant this book is to us today when many people call themselves Christians.
Chapter one:
- We will look at chapter one next time and use scripture to study its contents further until we know what the chapter says.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Running the Good Race
Was able to run just under 5 miles yesterday. It was so cool out: 59 degrees at 3:00pm. It felt great and there was no pollution. Quite a change from the summertime.
Will do North Mountain tomorrow so I can eat without any guilt tomorrow night and Christmas!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Running the Good Race
Ran 3 miles again today!! Felt much better. My knees were hurting a little, so I may still have to buy new shoes...not sure.
Just so thankful to be running again....thank the LORD.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The First Epistle of John- Introduction
This is the first post of this study of 1 John.
1 John is one of my most favorite books in the Bible because it touches on so many emotions that we endure daily and because it tells us of our assurance of our salvation: how we may KNOW that we have eternal life.
I pray that you will enjoy this study. It is based off of Kay Arthur's precept study of the book, but not the exact study as it would be too hard to do online as a precept.
So, here is a brief layout of how this study will be:
Every other day I will post a lesson for you to read. Included in the lesson will be Bible passages for you to look up and read. The study will begin with an overview of 1 John and a little background on who John was in Scriptures.
The first thing you should do to prepare for this study is to read the entire epistle of 1 John. Then, read it a second time, only this time look for key words in each chapter. If you feel comfortable t marking in your Bible, underline or highlight key words such as know, sin, love, life, abide, and fellowship.
If you are not comfortable marking your Bible, cut & paste then print out the chapters separately (you can find them at and then mark them accordingly.
You will be amazed at how many times these words are used in this small but important book in the Bible.
Finally, read the first chapter and look for key phrases.
Well, that will be our study for the next few weeks...however long it takes us to get through the whole book.
Looking forward to it!
Running the Good Race
I finally went running last night!!! 3 miles with little pain. It felt GREAT!!!
Will try and do 3 again on Wednesday and then 6 on Friday. Lord willing I will be back to my 9 mile- 10 mile long runs soon.
Am using this marathon as a fundraiser for a needy family. Pray that the Lord helps us to finish this race for little Hana.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Running the Good Race
I was able to go up the mountain last Monday and last Wednesday as well as ride the stationary bike. It hurt a little running up the mountain, but not as bad as walking down the mountain did!
Will go up the mountain again today and try to run on the treadmill this week. The toe is healing and my foot is getting stronger.