"To obtain an inheritance which is
imperishable and
undefiled and will
not fade away,
reserved in heaven for you."
1 Pet 1:4
Hello friends, let's pray....
"LORD, God we seek You this day and ask that You give us an understanding of Your precepts as we study Your word today. I pray that You will teach us the way of Your statutes so that we can keep them to the end. Help us to meditate on Your precious and perfect holy word this day.
I seek the forgiveness of my sins because I know my sins separate me from You. I want to hear from You this day, LORD, that I might live and grow in Your words. I pray that You will cleanse me, renew me, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit.
I pray for each lady reading this study today that You would speak to her through Your word. I pray that You will encourage her to keep going even if times are tough. I pray that each of us would be encouraging to our husbands and submit to them wholeheartedly as though serving You, oh, LORD. Help us to be the wives You want us to be. Please be welcome in our homes.
In Jesus' name....amen."
We looked last time at the Word of life: Jesus, in scripture. We also looked at why John used so many persuasive verbs when beginning his letter. So, today we will look more at who John was writing to and why.
Gnosticism was a prevelant religion in this historical period of First John. It was a very popular false teaching that believer's were dealing with. John knew this and decided to write letters of encouragement and warning to these believers.
John explained that he is a credible witness to Jesus Christ coming in the flesh:
"That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands handled..."
The Docetics & Gnostics believed Jesus was spirit and that Jesus only appeared to be human so that He was not a real incarnation of God...therefore He was not a divine Savior who died for sinners (docetism) and that only salvation can come through life experience or supreme knowledge (gnosis- "knowledge"). (New Geneva Study Bible, 1995)
So, John was clearly trying to persuade his readers that docetic and gnostic beliefs were in error because He saw Jesus and he knew Jesus was God in the flesh....a satisfying sacrifice for sinners.
Now let's look more into the "life manifested" written in First John 1:2-
"-the life manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us-"
Please read:
- John 14:6-
The life.
- Col. 3:4
He is our life.
- 1 John 4:9
Only begotten Son of God.
- Ps 113-
He condescends toward us.
- Acts 3:11-16
The Holy One, the Just, the Prince of life.
- Acts 2:22-38
A Man approved by God.
- Ps 118:22
The Chief Cornerstone.
- Jesus was the life manifested....revealed.....by God for His divine purposes. We are saved by no other name! Through Him we have LIFE.
"...declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us." [emphasis mine]
Please read:
- John 3:14-16
Eternal and everlasting life was promised to us by Jesus when He walked the earth.
- John 6: 47-
Believe in Jesus..
Does that mean that all who know Jesus is the Son of God are saved??
- Luke 4:31-34-
The demons called Him the "Holy One of God" yet were these demons saved?
- Luke 4:40-41
"You are the Christ, the Son of God!" The demons acknowledged who Jesus was: the Messiah, the Son of God, but was that enough to redeem them to God?
- Hebrews 11:6
One must believe that Jesus is and that He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Did the demons diligently seek Him?
- James 2:9
The scriptures bear witness of Jesus....
John 5:39
Luke 24:27
- Eternal life lies in Christ, not the scriptures. We do not worship the Bible, but the One whom the Bible reveals! Do not worship creation, but the One whom creation reveals!
Please read:
- Acts 8:26-40
Eunuch was saved by God.....the Spirit moved Phillip and the Eunuch.
The Gospel is revealed to some and veiled to others:
- 2 Cor 4:3-4
Veiled to those who are perishing....
- 2 Cor 3:14-17
The veil is lifted or taken away in Christ!
He is the giver of eternal life.
"...which was with the Father..."
Please read:
- John 16:28
Jesus was with the Father from the beginning.
- 1 Tim 1:16
Those who are "going to believe on Him for everlasting life" have already been selected by God. He calls them to Himself...
- Ps 9:10-
He does not forsake those who seek Him.
- Ps 91:14-16
Jesus will show His salvation to those who seek Him.
- Eph 1:11-12
Predestined and chosen to believe in Him.
- Luke 18:18-
Some heard and were not called to follow.....
- You may be thinking about that the person you know who is not a believer could never come to a knowledge of Jesus as their Savior...they are too far gone or too hard headed to ever trust and believe. But remember the God whom you serve. He is the same God who parted the Red Sea. He rose Lazarus from the dead 4 days after he died. He rose Jesus from the dead and He lives today.
Nothing is impossible with God. If your friend or loved one is chosen by God then he/she will come to Christ before he/she leaves this earth. Count on it!
Job 42:2
Jer 32:17
Zech 8:6
Matt 19:26
Luke 1:37
That promise of eternal life holds true to this day...
Romans 1:1-5
Ro 4:13-17
Titus 1:1-2
2 Cor 1:18-20
2 Pet 1:3-4
Gal 3:14
Praise be to God He keeps His promises!!
- Life Application
We can have comfort and peace in knowing that God's promises are YES! in Christ Jesus. We can know we have eternal life because God is faithful and He will do it.
- John 10:27-
"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father's hand. I and the Father are one."
- Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He knows you and all your needs even before You know them. He has made a place for you in His kingdom from the beginning of time. He is yours and you are His. As we continue further into 1 John, you will read more about how you can know that you are His and He is yours. There is great rest and assurance in 1 John. It will become your "go-to" book for those times when you may have doubts.
- You will find great comfort in the words John wrote to his fellow believers who may have been doubting the Gospel after hearing the docetic and gnostic teachings.
- But 1 John was written that we may KNOW that we have eternal life! Praise God now for that gift.
What were you saved from??
Please read:
- John 3:36
God's wrath. That alone is worthy of our praise and adoration.
- Some non-believers see God as an egotistical demagogue who desires us to fall down and worship Him only to please Himself.
But remember, God is eternal. There is no need in an eternal being. God does not "need" us to worship Him. It is the other way around: He knows we need to worship Him in order to live.
- Just like the sun....it does not need us in order to shine. It is us who need the sun shine in order to live! God knows that the greatest thing for us is to know and worship Him....that is why He provided a way for us to know Him and worship Him.
So, take this knowledge and comfort of His promises to you and meditate on them today. Truly apply this knowledge of the God you serve with you today and pass it on...not only in word, but in deed too.
Until next time......
"The joy a Christian experiences as a result of trials can be the best kind he will ever know. But so often we allow the everyday stress and strain of financial difficulties, health problems, unrealized goals, and many other trials rob us of our joy in Christ. True joy stems from spiritual realities that are much greater than temporal circumstances.
...Peter (1 Pet 1:4)gives us one strong reason for rejoicing-confidence and hope that as Christians we have inherited a place in Heaven."
-John MacArthur (Strength for Today Devotional, May 8 entry, 1997)
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