"The Spirit Himself bears witness
with our spirit that we are children of God,
and if children, then heirs-heirs of God
and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him
that we may also be glorified together."
Romans 8:16-17
1 Peter
Hello! Let's begin our time together with prayer....
"Holy Father God in heaven, we praise Your holy name which is above all names. You are worthy of our worship and honor and paise.
I pray that You will seek me for hidden sins and purge me of my iniquities against You. I know that with sin in my heart, my prayers are an abomination to You. Please purge me, cleanse me, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
I pray that today You will speak to all who read this study through Your word. I pray that You will teach us new and exciting precepts that we will take with us this day.
In Jesus' name...amen."
A Heavenly Inheritance
In the book of 1 Peter, we have looked at the opening verses where Peter explains to whom he is writing and why he is writing this letter. So far we have seen the importance of what God's mercy has done for us: given us that living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is through Him we receive our inheritance.
Today we will look further into what that inheritance is and why it is important for every Christian to understand this concept of inheritance.
1 Peter 1:4-5
"..to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time."
When you read through the book of 1 Peter, you should have noticed some key words-words repeated over and over- that jumped out at you. Here are some of those key words:
In these key words we almost see a story....the story of Christ. Peter is trying to tell his readers something in this letter. Remember his purpose: to exhort and to testify.
Peter was there with Jesus as He walked the earth. Peter prayed with Him, broke bread with Him, watched as He performed many miracles. But mostly, Peter saw...witnessed....the suffering of Jesus.
Peter heard the words of Christ, but didn't truly know what they meant until after Jesus rose again and breathed the Holy Spirit onto him. Only then were his eyes opened to the reality before him:
He, too, would suffer, submit, experience true grace and faith, preach the word, and love others as Christ did.
This, my friend, is what we have been called to as well.
This inheritance we have is reserved for us in heaven. It is waiting there for us as a reward for the suffering we will experience here on this earth. Peter wanted to encourage those new believers out among the pagan worshipers of the Mediterranean region. He wants to encourage you as well.
Please read:
Rom 8:16 & 17
Heb 1:14
Obviously, when we become Children of God we receive something special: an incorruptible inheritance, Spiritual guidance, ministering spirits, protection by the power of God, faith, and finally a revelation at the last times.
Once our eyes are opened, we finally see the things God has done for us.
Ps 103:20-22
Dan 7:9-10
Isn't it amazing that we can see all these wonderful things in God's word now that our eyes have been opened? We now have these gifts that were given to Christ. God has now given us that inheritance along with Jesus.
When we have trouble, we are ministered too by spirits. When we die, we have a place waiting for us in heaven. When we suffer, we receive glory as Christ did when He suffered.
All this for us.......not because of anything we did, but because of everything Jesus did for us.
I want you to take some time to look up verses regarding God's "chosen". It is important for us to see what it means....
1 Pet 2:9
Col 3:12
Rom 8:33
1 Tim 2:10
Titus 1:1
Rev 17:14
Eph 1:3-4
After you read these, take time to summarize what you learned. We will look further into what it means to be chosen of God later. Peter wants us to truly understand that we are no accident of nature. We did not come as a suprise to God. No, He knew us beforehand and has a plan for us.
We will look into what that plan is in the coming lessons.....
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