Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The First Epistle of John: Lesson Forty-Seven

"But concerning brotherly love you have no need

for me to write you, for you yourselves

are taught by God to love one another."

1 Thess 4:9


Good morning, let's seek the Lord...

"Father God, our heavenly Father above us, I come before You this day and praise Your holy name in that You loved us so much that You sacrificed Yourself for our sins to save us from Your wrath. Thank You, Lord, for that gift of eternal life. May I never take it for granted. Thank You for giving us Your holy word that we may study it and know how to please You.

I ask forgiveness of my sins because I know my sins do not please You. I pray that You will release me from the bondage of my sins, purge me with Your hyssop, and cleanse me with Your precious blood. I pray that You will make me new and put in me a clean pure heart like Yours.

I pray for each lady reading this study. I pray that You will teach her something new. I pray that You will show her Your love today. Lift her up and encourage her to keep going. Walk with her and hear her prayers. I pray that You will reveal to her Your precepts that she may know more of who You are.

In Jesus' name....amen."


We ended the first part of chapter 4 in our last lesson by concluding our look into the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. Now we know how to detect between these two spirits.

John wants us to review, of sorts, the concept of loving one another. John teaches us that we can truly know God through love.

1 John 4:7-8

"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and anyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love."

Knowing God Through Love

Remember, this fourth chapter of 1 John is called "The Love Chapter" in that the word love is mentioned numerous times. John wants us to know how to love God by loving other believers.

John starts this section with practical application of all that he has taught us so far.

He reminds us of the importance of loving one another. Why? Because God is love.

Please read:

1 John 4:16

John reminds us that it was God Himself who showed us what love is by laying down His life for us.

"And everyone who loves is born of God..."

With this verse, John sets believers apart.

John 3:10-11

Because we are born of the Spirit, we now know and hear and testify what Jesus had said in His word. So, if we love the brethren we are showing that we are born of God. That sets us apart from the world.

The Lord gave us this book so that we can know that we are believers and than we can know those who are not believers.


"...and knows God."

That was the point Jesus was making to Nicodemus in John 3. He was trying to tell him that those who belong to God know the things of God.

Matt 11:27

John 6:44

Matt 28:18-20

1 Thess 4:9

John isn't telling us anything we do not already know!


"He who does not love does not know God, for God is love."

If we say that we love God but do not show love for fellow believers, then how can we say that we love or know God??.... because GOD IS LOVE.

This love for one another is what binds believers together. It is what makes us family. God introduced us to that perfect and binding love when He gave us His Son. Jesus showed us what that love is by laying down His life for His friends....and ultimately for us.

Let's spend some time worshiping and loving the Lord together:

Ps 31:23

Ps 119:97

Song of Sol 2:4

John 13:35

John 14:23

2 Cor 5:14-15


Life Application

Love is not something that God does...love is what God is (Beeke, 2006) so that is why we must learn what it is. To know God is to know Love.

It can be so tempting at times to just attend church, read the Bible, and try and be a good person. That is what most people think Christianity means. But Jesus gave us a direct and perfect example of how we are to be:

Matt 5:43-48

We must remember that we are not always lovable and it may be hard for others to love us. So, we, in turn, are to love those who are unlovable at times. Jesus loved and showed love even to those who would cry out, "Crucify him!"

He walked with Judas and slept alongside Judas and ate the Passover meal with Judas. Even though He knew Judas was His enemy, Jesus did not treat him any differently than the others. So much so, that the others did not know who the betrayer was!

Take with you today all that you have learned and studied. John was big into applying scripture to our lives. So, apply what you have read here today to your life. Love the brethren. Show God's love for the brethren through your words and deeds. For God is love.


Until next time....

"God loves his elect- those whom he chooses to save in Christ- with the same love that he has for his Son (John 17). Election has rightly been defined as God from eternity setting his love upon those whom he has chosen to save. 'God is love'. His free, sovereign, gracious love takes the initiative in loving us. God's love is the source of all Christian love. All love is of God."

-Dr. Joel Beeke (The Epistles of John, 2006, p. 159)



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