"For God so loved
the world that He
gave His only begotten Son,
that whosoever believes in Him
should not perish but have everlasting life."
John 3:16
Let's begin with prayer:
"Holy Father God, today as we look more into what true love is, help us to remember Your sacrifice: Your only Son. Open our hearts and our eyes to Your truths. Fill us with the knowledge of Your will for our lives as we read Your word today. Give us a passion for Your word. Help us to know more of Your love as we study today.
I seek forgiveness of my sins today, Lord. I pray that You will wash me clean, purge me with Your hyssop, and fill me with Your holy spirit this day. I pray that You will guard my tongue and keep me from causing harm to those around me.
I lift up each woman reading this study. I pray that You will walk with her today and reveal more of Your attributes to her. I pray that You will fill her with Your knowledge and understanding and most of all with Your love for her. Show her Your love manifested today through Your word that she would be encouraged. Give her hope today, Lord.
In Jesus' name....amen."
The Outworking of Love
Now that we have spent some time looking at sin and what it does to the Christian mind and heart, we will shift our focus on love because that's is what John does here in these next verses:
1 John 3:16-
"By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren."
In our opening verse, we see that it is God who shows us what true love is: the giving of His Son for us that we might have eternal life. John wants his readers to be reminded of this fact, so he retells of the sacrifice of Jesus at the cross. Something that we Christians need to remember is that Jesus gave us the ultimate example of what love is and how Christians are suppose to love: selflessly and sacrificially.
Please read:
Rom 5:8
John 15:13
In the church today, we believers are to show love as the early church showed it to one another:
Acts 2:40-47
Recently, a young woman at our church needed someone to help watch her children because she had a doctors appointment. I gladly raised my hand to volunteer for this duty because I know my mother-in-law gave up her time to watch my son many many times when I needed her....so, to show my love for the brethren, I helped out this young mother. And it was such a blessing to be with those two little ones!! I gave of my time because someone gave of their time for me.
Now I know that one day, this young mother will be older and she will gladly volunteer her time to help out a young mother as well only because she was once helped. This love for one another is passed down. Only the Holy Spirit can do this and it is powerful love manifested indeed.
I would love to say I feel this way about the brethren all the time....but I cannot. Many Christians can attest to feeling "burned out" when it comes to serving the Lord and the love they once had for the brethren is fading.
1 Pet 5:6-7
This verse reminds us that when we are feeling low and unloving....we are to take it to the cross of Jesus Christ and cast all your cares upon Him. This is when we should pray and ask the Lord to renew that passion and love for the brethren inside us once again.
Matt 7:8-12
Keep asking! The Holy Spirit will renew that love within you once again. Then take that love and manifest it in your works.
John 10:11
Remember why Jesus came: to destroy the works of the devil. He is the one who robs the sheep...but Jesus is the Good Shepherd who willingly lays down His life for the sheep. When you feel that the devil is at work and robbing you of your love, that is when God's word can bring you back to the fold.
John 10:27-30
We were given to Jesus by God. He owns us! Ladies, He is the faithful and true Shepherd. He never grows weary or tired. He conquered death for us that we might have that eternal life.
My son recently read the book, Lone Survivor, about the Navy SEAL team that lost many lives in Afghanistan a couple of years ago. It was the worst loss suffered by the SEALs in their history. The book was written by the lone survivor of the mission and in it he tells the harrowing tale of how his 4 man team held off over 200 Taliban fighters for several hours even after each SEAL team member had been wounded, some near fatal. The fight continued after the team fell down a mountain and was barricaded. Finally, one member willingly gave up his life to ensure the safety of his fellow SEAL teammates. The writer chillingly writes about the battle and the sacrifice of each man.
Another story was recently told about another Navy SEAL who saved his men's lives when a grenade was tossed into their room by an insurgent. This SEAL leader jumped on the grenade and shielded his teammates with his body.
The both these SEAL heroes were recently awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor by Pres. Bush. Their sacrifices were felt by all who knew them.
In war, these sacrifices are often heard of: men laying down their lives that their friends might live. The thought is hard to ponder, but we must. For this is the example that Jesus gives us. This is the example of the love we are to have for one another. This is the message John wants us to have with us: be willing to lay down your life for the brethren.
Life Application
I think John 3:16 is probably the verse that most Christians have memorized simply because it is so often quoted. But I think the best reason to memorize this verse is to remind us what love truly is.
There are so many kinds of love: love for family, friends, children, pets, ice cream, movies, etc. But how many of us have experienced true love?
When Christ claims us, we are given a glimpse into that love of the Father Jesus spoke of in the Book of John:
John 17:6-17
Jesus claims these men as His own given to Him by the Father. He lifts them up in prayer to the Father.
Then, He prays for you and I: future believers....
John 17:20-26
He asks that the glory God gave Him will be given to us! He says that God has loved us as He loved Jesus, His Son...and He loved Jesus before the foundations of the world! Jesus has asked that His Father love you as He loved Jesus. Now that's love!
Now that this love has been given to us, who are we to hide it and keep it to ourselves? We are to share it....that the world may believe that the Father sent Jesus.
Until next time....
"Christian love does not wait for others to do something for us and to us, but reaches out to others in need. Christian love offers its all for the good of those we love...if we are not showing the love of God in our homes, we are telling our children every time the Word of God is preached, 'Do not believe it.'"
-Dr. Joel Beeke (The Epistles of John, 2006, p. 138)
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