"The generous soul
will be made rich,
And he who waters will also
be watered himself."
Proverbs 11:25
Good day, let's seek the Lord......
"Father God our Lord in heaven, we worship Your Holy and mighty name above all names. I pray before You, Lord, and seek Your face this day that I might be renewed and refreshed. Thank, You, Father for the promises of Your word. I pray that I can learn to be a more generous soul.
I seek the forgiveness of my sins today that I may be cleansed and made whole again. I pray that You will wash me through the reading of Your word today.
I pray for each lady here reading this prayer, that she may seek Your face early today. I pray that she would read Your word today and be renewed. I pray for her family, marriage, and children that she would minister to them through You. I pray that You will give her strength to get through all the issues of the day with grace and peace.
in Jesus' name...........amen."
John 4:33
"Therefore the disciples said to one another, 'Has anyone brought Him anything to eat?'"
When the disciples hand Jesus food to eat, He explains to them that He has no need for their food because He has spiritual food that He is enjoying at that precise moment.
The look of satisfaction and joy on the Lord's face must have been amazing because the disciples thought that their Master had already eaten!
Remember the map of their journey: click on it for a larger view.

Jesus and His disciples were obviously weary from their long walk. They needed food and water. Yet here is Jesus, more concerned with the woman at the well than feeding His body.
The joy and happiness that Jesus was experiencing lifted Him up higher than mere food could ever do.
Please read:
Gal 2: 20-21
Paul learned about this joy and satisfaction that comes from serving the Lord.
Gal 5: 1
That liberty in Christ is far more rewarding than anything of this world.
Gal 6:16-17
Walking in the Spirit is far better than following the flesh.
Gal 6:8-10
Paul understood that if we are more caught up in satisfying our flesh, then we will reap corruption. Sowing to the Spirit of God is far better because it leads to everlasting life.
That is what Jesus was seeing: the Samaritan woman was bringing city people to come see Jesus and hear Him. She had let go of the flesh and was embracing the Spirit.....Jesus knew what she would reap. How could He not smile or look satisfied??
Phil 3:7-11
Life Application
The Apostle Paul knew what suffering was for he had his share of it while on earth. He was beaten, imprisoned, shipwrecked, and stoned all for Christ's sake. Yet he knew that joy that Jesus had on His face ....that joy of seeing the lost souls come to the knowledge of Jesus as their savior.
2 Cor 12:7-10
2 Cor 12:15
Phil 4:11-13
How many of us know that look of joy from seeing one who was lost come to the knowledge of just who Jesus really is?
I know I use my time in the prison ministry alot here on this blog, but that experience made such an impact on my Christian walk.
We teachers would ask the inmates weekly for prayer requests. I will always remember one young woman, Christy, who weekly would ask us to pray that her husband would bring her children to visit her. She was in prison here in Phoenix for drug crimes, but he was back in Utah with their children refusing to come see her. He was a devout Mormon and her actions brought embarrassment and humiliation to him and his family. It seemed like a lost cause. I didn't want to get her excited, but I did promise her that we would pray for her.
Each week, I would ask her if she heard from her husband or her children and with a sad look, she would answer, "No." She had become a born again Christian since beginning our Bible study, so she knew that by leaving the LDS church she was sure not to ever see her children again. But I told her that her Lord was very powerful and could change men's hearts from stone to flesh.
So, weeks went by and still no news from her family. I couldn't imagine not seeing my son for so long. I knew she was heartbroken, yet each week she appeared with a smile on her face happy to see us.
Finally, one week she ran up to us as we approached the prison courtyard exclaiming that she had seen her children just that past Saturday. I hugged her (which we weren't supposed to do, but how could I not??) and told her how happy I was for her. She told me that her husband had arrived with their 3 children at visitor's day. Her 12 yr. old daughter did not want to come over to her, which she understood and did not force, but she was able to hug and kiss her 2 younger children for the whole time. Her husband was still very angry, but she said it was a miracle that he would bring them to see her. I just loved seeing the look on her face as she told us all about her children. I will never forget that look of joy, happiness, and just plain satisfaction.
It was great to see the Lord honor this young woman's prayers. We saw so many answered prayers while we went into the prison. It left me with such hope and joy. We were watered each time we went.
Phil 4:6-7
That peace of God that passes all understanding does guard our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. The disciples would soon learn this. They would soon learn to be generous and water those around them with the gospel....then they would receive that water themselves. But for now, they stood and watched Jesus as He watched the Samaritan woman water the people of the city. His satisfaction was in the things of God.
So should be ours.
Until next time.......
"Good fruit is beautiful to behold- it is almost irresistible. Good fruit is also sound; it isn't damaged by disease or bruising. Good fruit bears within it healthy seeds that produce new life. In spiritual terms, good fruit draws others to Christ and is not tainted by sin. Such fruit has within it something that will last forever or that will produce everlasting results. Only the work of the Holy Spirit is truly good, for only His work is eternal, completely without blemish, and compels others to accept Christ Jesus as their Savior."
-Charles Stanley
(Relying on the Holy Spirit, 1996, p. 68)
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